CollabPlus+ designed by Emily Seck @studioseck. See more designs from the designer . For full collection of tote bags .
Print on Demand
Production takes 3 working days upon ordering, and thereafter 2 working days to ship out.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,
and the flame shall not consume you.
你 从 水 中 经 过 , 我 必 与 你 同 在 ; 你 ? 过 江 河 , 水 必 不 漫 过 你 ; 你 从 火 中 行 过 , 必 不 被 烧 , 火 焰 也 不 着 在 你 身 上 。
~ Isaiah 以赛亚书 43:2
10oz cotton canvas
Printed in Singapore
Heatpress printing
37cm (W) x 42cm (H) x 60cm (handle)
Washing Instructions:
Hand wash
SKU Code: ESK5001